Promoting, Practicing, & Encouraging The Community of Natural Bodybuilding in Iowa & Around the World
Emotions are Powerful
Emotions are powerful, YOUR emotions are power. They drive you to do great hinges and maybe some not so great things. This is a truth: we all have them, we all manage them and they impact our lives greatly. My question to you is, who (or what) are you letting control them?? You see, emotions […]
6 Steps to Track and Reach Your Goals
The New Year is here and everyone is off to the races to achieve their big goals they set on January 1st! How to set goals is another whole topic that I address in many different spots, but this post is more for the journey on the way to achieve your big goals. Most people […]
Bodybuilding presentation should be routine
In the sport of bodybuilding, presentation is one of the components of judging criteria (including symmetry, muscularity and conditioning.) I am defining presentation as how one displays their physique. This obviously includes posing but other aspects such as skin color, grooming, etc. In the same topic of posing is the free posing routine, which is […]
As this year draws to a close and we look to set out goals for the upcoming year, there are many components to consider when doing so. In addition to reviewing the current/previous year as I advise in my workshops, a HUGE part of the goal setting process should be to identify and improve balance […]
Bodybuilding verse powerlifting competition prep, a comparison
Over the last two decades I have been blessed with the opportunity to compete in both the sport of bodybuilding and powerlifting, most recently at the IFPA Pro Elite Worlds for bodybuilding. While talking to another competitor from the East Coast at the check-in meeting the day before Worlds, he asked me what I enjoyed […]
12 months of ACTION to make 2017 the BEST!!
Goals are a common practice to set for the upcoming year, but what if you have 12 months of ACTION items to hit those goals? I am putting on a workshop on Saturday, Dec 10th in my Waukee, IA office from 9 AM to noon where you will come away with the following: 1. Based on […]
Something to Chewon Effort
Everyone loves rewards. Rewards could be something you receive due to a single feat you accomplished, or maybe you just finished a big project or large number of tasks. Perhaps a reward is earned from the fact that you didn’t do something. In any instance, a reward is something that is the outcome of effort […]
Article Weak Link
It is no secret that when a chain breaks, the weakest link is the culprit. The common sense application to our life is to focus on what that analogy might be representing to each one of us. However, I want to look at it from a different angle, I want don’t want to focus on […]
2017 Natural Iowa Information
The 23rd annual Natural Iowa is set for May 13th, 2017 in Des Moines, IA at the Hoyt Sherman Place! Online entry form will be up soon! Mark your calendars for one of the longest running natural pro-qualifying physique competitions in the Midwest!
All In – Bodybuilding, Coaching, Motivation, Goals
I read an article long ago that when a group of highly successful people were examined, one thing that was found common between the achievers was that they wrote their goals down and posted them up. Notice that it wasn’t the process of setting goals, but rather it was putting them on display that was […]
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