May 6th, 2023 is the date for the 29th annual NANBF Natural Iowa competition, know not for just being THE natural bodybuilding competition in Iowa but also one of the longest-standing natural competitions in the country! The location is the historic and newly renovated Hoyt Sherman Place at 1501 Woodland Ave in Des Moines.
Online entry registration for the 2023 NANBF Natural Iowa Physique and Transformation is live and the link to enter is here. Follow us on Facebook for the latest announcements here. To check out last year’s event click here.
This is a continuous format event; Prejudging to routine/walks to finals in each of the respective groups above (that means you won’t have to be there all day long like traditional competitions!!) This is an IPE pro qualifying competition. Come be apart of THE best natural bodybuilding competition in Iowa!
10 AM Session A starts
Women’s Physique
Classic Physique
Break for lunch (30 min)
1 PM Session B starts
Men’s Physique
Spectators will be able to purchase tickets at the Hoyt Sherman Box office at the door or in advance online:
For additional information about the NANBF visit the website:
Like the official FB page here
Like the FB event and share it with others here
Find the NANBF Natural Iowa on Instagram here

Natural bodybuilding competition in Iowa
For additional information regarding sponsorship and other inquiries for the 2023 NANBF Natural Iowa please contact:
Marcus Ramos
December 8th, 2022 12:46
I am interested! I have not competed before and was wondering if this would be a good show. If so, please send me more information.
Ryan Irwin
February 22nd, 2023 19:11
Hi Marcus, here is a link if you haven't seen it before:
Akshay S Wagh
March 8th, 2023 19:12
Hi , haven’t competed before. Send me details please so I can apply for this show .
Ryan Irwin
March 14th, 2023 19:25
You bet! Here is the link:
April 24th, 2023 6:45
Please send me a link to register to compete
Ryan Irwin
April 24th, 2023 8:38
Here you go Trivel!
May 1st, 2023 12:42
My son and I would like to attend, but we have a conflict from 10am-12pm. How late will this event go into the afternoon/evening?
Ryan Irwin
May 1st, 2023 15:01
We anticipate that it will go through 5/6 PM.
May 4th, 2023 4:47
I would like to compete im 13 currently will turn 14 this june 26th.Been thinking about it can i compete?
Ryan Irwin
May 5th, 2023 6:27
You bet, anyone 13 and older can compete. Here is a link to a contest on August 12th you could consider: