Today marks 25 years of when I decided to pick up a barbell and become a bodybuilder. I remember this day clearly; I approached my parents in the evening after wrestling practice towards the end of the season and made the declaration that I wanted to become a bodybuilder. I knew at the time that this was going to be a lofty goal and something I was going to have to work for. I was serious, did the research and was committed deep down when I put that line in the sand. In other words, I had made this internal commitment to myself before I made an external commitment to others.

25 years ago

today (2/17/17)
I bring this anniversary up not to toot my own horn, but rather as an example in believing in one’s self. Self belief is essential as you will only go as far as you believe you can. Rarely, if ever, can people just fall into accomplishing their dreams and desires. When I started this journey, I knew that this was going to be a long road but it was one that I was committed to and ready to do the work required. Most everything worth achieving has to be worked for and comes with making choices and sacrifice.
Over the past 25 years I’ve had ups and downs, successes and failures. Each one of these experiences is part of what makes the journey so rewarding. If the path was easy it would not be significant or be as meaningful. My hope is to influence others to reach and work for their dreams. I want to help others visualize and believe in their dreams, construct plans to achieve these dreams and then a doable system in place to put the plans in action.
What are your dreams? What do you want to do so you can look back 25 years from now and be able to smile and know the good things that you have done and what it took to accomplish them. My journey is far from over, I look forward to the next 25 years and what they will bring for myself and those I have the privilege of being surrounded by.
-Ryan Irwin
Ryan’s background is drawn from over 20 years of competitive bodybuilding and power lifting, running multiple businesses, all while raising a family and helping develop others to reach their full potential. In addition to being certified in both sports nutrition and personal training, Ryan’s experience is backed by continuous education. He is a professional natural bodybuilder, winning titles without the use of performance enhancing drugs and has competed in 20+ contests over the past two decades. Ryan also is a competitive power lifter and holds national records in power lifting as well. A specialist in adding size and strength, Ryan has helped hundreds of clients reach their goals and continues to help many individuals add quality mass with strength, in addition to helping many lean up while sculpting their physiques. He also has spoken to many audiences regarding health, nutrition, personal development and motivation. Contact him only if you want some serious results! Contact Ryan at
Suzanna Keegel
February 25th, 2017 12:07
I just got into body building about a year in a half ago. I just committed to a muscle mania show in Texas in June. I didn't know we had this right here in Iowa!!! I am needing some guidance with costume designers, tailors etc. and maybe some posing? I live about an hour south east of Des Moines. The drive is not a problem for me. Is this something you guys could help a newbie with???
Ryan Irwin
February 25th, 2017 15:59
Absolutely, this is what we do! Please send an email to: and let's go over what you're looking for specifically. Thanks for reaching out, talk soon!