Natural Iowa History: 2002

In Women’s bodybuilding, veteran competitor Dede Gaetz came back to the stage and had quite the day for herself! She not only edged out Rose Rudin for the overall and pro card, but also tool home the submasters title, her posing abilities gained her best female poser and she earned the Karl Schneider award for her sportsmanship and dedication to the sport of natural bodybuilding.
Xtreme Fit and a solid class with Alanna Kramer taking the title knocking off longtime competitor Courtney Steverson.
This year brought one of the toughest overalls that we can remember. Lance Christians, Tim Fullmer, Justin Witte and Dennis Thielen were battling it out. All of these gentlemen would eventually win an overall later in their career. While the judges had a tough call to make, it was Thielen who came away with the victory and pro card.