Natural Iowa History: 2010
2010 was a very memorable year for the NANBF Natur
al Iowa! The competitor roster was stacked!

Figure kicked things off with Coreen Sweeney and Amanda Bendorf going head-to-head in the open. Bendorf got the overall, but Sweeney also ended up winning the Masters title too! The Natural Iowa state figure title went to Coreen Sweeney.
For women’s bodybuilding, Dede Gaetz got the win, edging out Gail Jensen (and also winning Grandmasters too)!
In the Men’s Open bodybuilding class, Liam Mckeon came all the way over from the UK, going up against Ryan Armstrong, Jason Bosak and Michael Hutcherson. When the dust settled, Liam “The Shredder” McKeon got the overall and pro card (and continues to make waves in the pro ranks). The Natural Iowa state bodybuilding title was awarded to Ryan Armstrong.
Special guest poser that year was IPE pro, the mighty Ponce Saysomphou. Best posers were Amanda Bendorf, Dede Gaetz and Jay Myers.
Sponsors that year included Schiek Sports, Inc., True Life Wellness, Nutri-Sport, Fitness World 24, Scivation, DMI Dance Force, Liquid Sun Rayz. The Spa at West Glen, Koch Facial Plastic Surgery, Gorilla Graffiti and Songsmythe Productions.